Best Baby Shower Gift Ever

In 2012, I commissioned my sweet friend and Italy amica, Emma Weisman, for the best baby shower gift ever. I asked Emma to create this beautiful, custom drawing for Alexandria’s nursery.  I cannot brag on Emma enough – she did a fantastic job on this!  The colors are so beautiful and so vibrant; I don’t think my explanation can do it justice.

Naturally, when Kristin found out she was pregnant, I commissioned a sketch for her sweet baby, too!  I’ve seen the sketch, and I CANNOT wait to see how it turns out.  I love that Emma personalizes the whole thing to things and experiences that are relevant to each family.  I think it’s a great way to teach little ones about their ABCs, too!

And now, I have her doing one for Elizabeth.  Yep, I’m a repeat customer and a BIG TIME believer.  The best part?  She’ll even frame and mail them across the country for me…

Emma and I go way, way back.  Like 10 years back.  OH MY GOD.  I’ve known Emma for TEN YEARS?!  Ten years ago, we were two American students studying in Florence, Italy… and over a shared love of Chinese food for Thanksgiving, we were bonded for life.  Because there’s some things that only sharing life in a foreign country can do.

If you’re in the market for the most unique and best baby shower gift, Emma is the best recommendation I can give you!  I always like to have a special and unique gift to celebrate certain milestones, and this is now my go-to baby gift!

Tell Emma I sent you!  😉

Journey of Doing - Sharing all the information on the best baby shower gift ever - a customized piece of artwork by Emma Wiesman illustrations!
Sharing all the information on the best baby shower gift ever - a customized piece of artwork by Emma Wiesman illustrations!
Journey of Doing - Sharing all the information on the best baby shower gift ever - a customized piece of artwork by Emma Wiesman illustrations!


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