Happy 1st Anniversary!
One year ago today, with the help of the Monsign, some sweet friends and family, and my amazing wedding planner, Tom and I were married!! Everyone says the first year of marriage is the hardest, and while I’m not sure we ever went through that part of things, it definitely felt LONG because we did go through some tough stuff… but the important thing was that we knew we could count on each other… and that’s a pretty awesome feeling to have. I didn’t really know what to expect or how our relationship would change once we were “married”, but I can definitely tell a difference in how we put each other first in absolutely everything we do now that we’re married. It’s Team Us first and everything else second.
My sweet husband will do anything to make me happy. Whether that’s offering to retake wedding portraits because I was unhappy with ours (which hasn’t happened, lol) or hopping on a plane to see my sweet friend Erin at the drop of a hat or checking into the Ritz Carlton Dallas for four days leading up to a presentation that feels like the biggest moment of my life or rubbing my feet because I’ve had a long day… he definitely does what he can to make my life easier, including telling me before EVERY TRIP, “if you forget something, it’s OKAY. We can buy whatever we need when we get there… Don’t worry about it!” If you know me at all, you’ll understand what a big promise this is! I try and do the same, but letsbehonest, I’m not nearly as even-tempered as him. However, I do my share of things to make him happy… because we’re in this thing together. 🙂
We definitely don’t have everything figured out (see: adventures in buying a house or lack of work-life balance), but we’re trying. We’ve overseen the doubling of our non-profit organization twice in the last year or so which has caused us both no small amount of joy (and stress!). We’ve entered the trying process of buying a house when we’re both essentially self-employed. We’ve learned to communicate more effectively (read: I’m learning to keep my voice at a normal pitch when stressed). We’ve started to see that life is pretty good when we look up. We’ve celebrated and mourned with friends, family, and each other through this silly cycle of life… it’s pretty nice to go through life with someone else.
I don’t know that I ever thought about married life all that much. (Mostly because I thought it would never, ever happen for me…) But, it’s a pretty sweet deal. I’m so glad this sweet man chose me to be his wife.
One down, forever to go.
Forever to go is damn right. Love you two!!
Happy Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you two had the best day! Cheers to many more wonderful years 🙂
Happy anniversary!
Happy Belated Anniversary!