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  1. Happiest of birthdays, Sara. I hope you can enjoy your special day (and the holiday season). I know it can be overwhelming, but I think you have some good boundaries set up (and yes, I am
    with you on NOT doing things out of obligation anymore… life truly is too short!).

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for some good news from the hip doctor. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to be in pain and not find answers. Another thing I realized the older I get: doctors are just people and hardly know everything I thought they did. Ha.

    Your tree is beautiful. I hope it can instill some peace and calm around the holidays. And I am so happy you got to spend time with your sister. It’s precious time!

  2. A happy birthday to you <3 I totally get what your sister said about needing stillness to write. Sometimes, like does not cooperate on that front, lol! I've been through periods of writers block myself over the past 2 years (feel like I'm finally coming out of it… for now), and that has to do with having no stillness in my life during those periods! A very profound realization 🙂

    I'm hoping you get some answers and good news on your hip from your new doctor. As you know I can empathize with that frustrating process. Hope is so difficult to hold on to, I will try to hold on to it for you and will be sending over good vibes!

  3. Terrible time to be a woman…said women throughout every period of history

    Hope you are enjoying your birthday month!

    I am also disinclined to do anything out of obligation.

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